This post will guide us on how to change the language of SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) that is included with our SQL Server.
This solution applies either a SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, or SQL Server 2017. And it will only affect the user with whom we are connected.
1. Run the Internet Explorer browser.
2. Enter SQL Server reporting Services. It should be something like http://mysqlserver/Reports/.
3. Let’s go to Tools (Alt + X) > “Internet Options”:
4. The Internet Options window opens. Click on “languages”:
5. Now in “Language Preference” click on “Set Language Preferences”:
6. The “Language” window on the Control Panel appears. If you don’t see your language here, click on “Add a Language” (otherwise skip to step 9):
7. In the “Add Languages” window, choose your language and click on “Open”:
8. In the “Regional variants” window, choose the language variant and click on “Add”:
9. Once included the language, click on it and choose the option “Move up” in the options bar:
10. Already moved the language you want to the first place, close the window:
11. Update the Web of SQL Server Reporting Services and you will see that it is in the chosen language: